Monday 4 June 2012

Squash Ball vs Tennis Ball

When we are talking about tennis, most of you can see the rackets are almost similar.

tennis racket

 squash racket

Can you differentiate? While the rackets are almost similar, the ball on the other hand are totally different.

Squash ball :

Diameter between 39.5 milimeters– 40.5 milimeters, weight around 23 grams – 25 grams. It comes with scall colour dots to differentiate its bounciness. Seams are invisible.

Orange/Teel/ Green : Speed Super Low, Bounce Super Low
Double Yellow : Speed Slow, Bounce Very Low
Yellow             : Speed Slow, Bounce Low
Green/White    : Speed Medium/Slow, Bounce Average
Red                 : Speed Medium, Bounce High
Blue                 : Speed Fast, Bounce High

In competition : Standard squash ball is Double Yellow

Tennis Ball

Diameter between 65.4 milimeters – 68 milimeters, weight around 56 grams – 59.4 grams. More air inside the ball for it to bounce more. Seams are visible.

International Tennis Federation standardization : Flourescent Yellow Tennis Ball

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